The Movie’s story follows a lady confined in a horror house during investigation in a fraud case, acquainted by Akshay Kumar & Bhushan Kumar. It is one of the most thriller & horrifying films. There is a huge fundamental by producers including the filmmaker to be one of the blockbusters films. we presume you might admire it & give your affection. 


Durgavati Film Will Be Streaming On Amazon Prime Check Out Release Date Teaser Trailer Cast   Story Plot - 59Durgavati Film Will Be Streaming On Amazon Prime Check Out Release Date Teaser Trailer Cast   Story Plot - 31Durgavati Film Will Be Streaming On Amazon Prime Check Out Release Date Teaser Trailer Cast   Story Plot - 87Durgavati Film Will Be Streaming On Amazon Prime Check Out Release Date Teaser Trailer Cast   Story Plot - 69Durgavati Film Will Be Streaming On Amazon Prime Check Out Release Date Teaser Trailer Cast   Story Plot - 87